BoxHero Terminology Guide

These key terms help you better understand how to manage your inventory with BoxHero's unique features and functions.

BoxHero Terminology Guide


Adjust is a function used in BoxHero to record inventory level adjustments resulting from reasons other than Stock In or Stock Out. It can be used to reflect losses, damages, and returned items as well as to correct any discrepancies between system count and actual inventory. Using the Adjust function will overwrite the previous item quantity.


The Admin of a team on BoxHero has access to all of the data. The user who first creates the team is automatically assigned as the Admin, but custom permissions can be set to add/change Admins and other members. 


BoxHero’s Analytics is a sub-function within Reports for users to add formulas and generate reports that fit their specific business needs. They can either use Easy Add to apply predefined commonly used formulas, or create custom formulas using autocomplete variables.


An Attribute refers to any information about a product or item such as brand, size, and color, that can be added to BoxHero. Attributes can be registered via the Data Center and supports various types including text, number, date, and barcode.



A Barcode is a machine-readable representation of data in the form of parallel lines or patterns of squares and rectangles. It is widely used in inventory management to reveal information about products or items, including identification number, price, and other relevant data. Barcodes help to streamline inventory management and speed up processes with accuracy.

Basic Mode

Basic Mode is one of the two types of teams that BoxHero supports, and is the recommended mode for most teams who are trying to manage inventory with a simple, intuitive interface. Basic Mode will not have a Move function as in Location Mode. 

Bulk Add

Bulk Add refers to a function on BoxHero that enables users to register items in bulk using an Excel file. Instead of registering items one by one, users can add multiple items and their information at once by uploading an Excel file in Data Center > Import Excel > Bulk Add. 


In BoxHero, Bundles refer to sets of items that are grouped, bundled, or boxed into one final product. The label allows users to configure items into Buy One Get One (BOGO) items or package deals, and can be added in the Purchase & Sales tab. 



In BoxHero, a Customer is a Partner who receives the items from your inventory. A customer is associated with a Stock Out transaction and can be used to track sales orders in the Purchase & Sales tab. 

Custom Template

A Custom Template on BoxHero allows users to customize all aspects of the paper and label before printing barcodes, including width, height, the number of columns and rows, as well as the margins. 



BoxHero’s Dashboard is a sub-function within Reports that shows a visual summary of total inventory level, stock in, and stock out amounts. 

Data Center

Data Center is one of the main tabs on BoxHero’s menu bar that allows users to view and edit information such as items, attributes, and partners.

Delivered (Sales)

Delivered is one of the statuses used in tracking a sales order through BoxHero. It refers to when you have sent all the items in the sales order to a particular customer.


In BoxHero, Discounts refer to a reduction in the original selling price of items and can be distinguished by a percentage rate (%) or actual price ($) depending on the Discount Type. Users can specify the discount and the discount type by going to Purchase & Sales > Tax & Discounts > +Add Discount. 

Discount Type

Discount Type refers to the type of discounts available on BoxHero, namely a Rate Discount (Percentage Discount) and a Price Discount (Fixed Amount Discount).

Draft (Purchases)

Draft is one of the statuses used in tracking a purchase order through BoxHero. It refers to when a draft of the order has been created. The order has not been placed yet.

Draft (Sales)

Draft is one of the statuses used in tracking a sales order through BoxHero. It refers to when a draft of the order has been created. The order has not been placed yet.


Exclusive (Tax)

Exclusive means that the tax is exclusive of the item price when applying a tax rate on BoxHero.

Export Excel

Export Excel is a function on BoxHero that allows users to download registered item information in Excel format. It helps to save inventory data for backup purposes and can be accessed via Data Center > Item > Export Excel in the PC/Desktop version. 


Fixed Amount Discount

A Fixed Amount Discount, also known as a Price Discount, refers to the reduction in price by a specific dollar or currency amount (e.g., $50 off an item).


Import Excel

Import Excel is used to upload an Excel file in BoxHero to Bulk Add, Bulk Edit, or Print Barcode. The Excel file should include columns for the item name, barcode, quantity, and relevant attribute(s). The Import Excel function enables users to make modifications all at once.

Inclusive (Tax)

Inclusive means that the tax is included in the item price when applying a tax rate on BoxHero.


Inventory refers to the goods, materials, and products that a business holds for resale, production, or utilization in providing services. In the context of BoxHero, inventory encompasses all items tracked and managed within the system. 

Inventory Count

Inventory Count, or Inventory Audit, is a process to physically count and verify the quantities of items on hand at a specific point in time. It ensures that the recorded quantities in a company’s inventory management system match the actual physical quantities in stock. In BoxHero, users can conduct an inventory count with their team for all items or selected (partial) items.

Inventory Link is a function on BoxHero that allows teams to share the latest inventory information to external parties and other stakeholders. By creating a secure link and sharing it with individuals outside of their organization, BoxHero users can share real-time inventory status with transparency. 

Inventory Management

Inventory Management refers to the system of ordering, storing, tracking, and utilizing inventory for one’s business The term encompasses the full range of activities and processes used to maintain optimal inventory levels, ensure accuracy, and streamline operations.

In Transit (Purchases)

In Transit is one of the statuses used in tracking a purchase order through BoxHero. It refers to when your partner or supplier has sent the items, but you haven’t received them yet. 

In Transit (Sales)

In Transit is one of the statuses used in tracking a sales order through BoxHero. It refers to when a sales order has been created but you haven’t shipped the items yet.


Item is the term used to refer to any of the inventory managed on BoxHero. Users can register an item to BoxHero by creating a name, entering a barcode, adding attributes, and setting a quantity. 

Item List

The Item List shows a comprehensive list of all items that are registered on BoxHero for a particular team. Items will automatically be sorted in alphabetical order, with the option to group by various categories including location, minimum stock, or any custom attribute of choice. You can find and select specific items by using the search bar in the Item List. 


Label Design

In the context of BoxHero’s barcode printing, Label Design refers to the process of creating and customizing the layout, appearance, and information included on labels that will be printed for inventory management. Users can customize a label design by adding a new template. 

Label Sheet

A Label Sheet refers to a pre-formatted paper sheet that contains multiple adhesive labels arranged in a grid. These sheets are designed to print multiple labels, and BoxHero supports many different types including, but not limited to Formtec, Goodlabel, and Avery. 

Location Mode

Location Mode is one of the two types of teams that BoxHero supports, and is useful for managing items that are stored in multiple locations, warehouses, or offices. Choosing Location Mode when creating a team on BoxHero will support the Move function, in addition to the Stock In, Stock Out, and Adjust functions that are available in Basic Mode. 

Low Stock Alert

Low Stock Alert is a function on BoxHero that helps users manage their inventory proactively by setting a threshold (i.e. minimum quantity) and receive notifications upon reaching that threshold. It helps to prevent shortages and stay ahead of inventory depletion. The function requires the mobile app to be installed and sends notifications to a user’s phone.



In BoxHero, Members refer to any individuals, staff, or personnel who can internally access information in a team. Typically, members can modify data except for tasks requiring higher authorization such as inviting other members, modifying payment settings, etc. Members can be invited via email or via link sharing, and custom permissions can be set to specify each member’s roles and responsibilities.


Move, or Move Stock, is a function used in BoxHero to record inventory transfer between different locations or warehouses. It is only applicable on Location Mode, and is used to move or transfer items that are stored in multiple locations within the same team. 


Order Number

An Order Number is a unique identifier of alphanumeric characters that is assigned to a specific purchase or sales for a business. Also known as an invoice number, it is used to track, manage, and reference an individual order, and can either be customized or randomly generated in BoxHero’s Purchase & Sales function.



In BoxHero, Partners refers to both the suppliers and customers that users work with to send and receive orders. Partners can be managed via the Data Center and hold relevant information including the name and contact information of a particular supplier or customer.

Partial (Purchases)

Partial is one of the statuses used in tracking a purchase order through BoxHero. It refers to when items are partially received.

Partial (Sales)

Partial is one of the statuses used in tracking a sales order through BoxHero. It refers to when part of the order has been shipped, so only one or more items have been sent to a customer.

Past Quantity

Past Quantity is a function on BoxHero that allows users to review inventory quantity at any specific date in the past, such as the inventory status at the end of the month or end of the year. The inventory level reflects the quantity of items at the end of the day on a specific date.

Percentage Discount

A Percentage Discount, also known as a Rate Discount, refers to the reduction in price expressed as a percentage of the original price (e.g., 10% off an item).

Print Barcode is a function on BoxHero that allows users to create label designs and print barcode labels to more efficiently and accurately manage inventory. Users can customize barcode designs and select the relevant items, and print the barcodes using any printer and paper. 

Purchase & Sales

The Purchase & Sales tab in BoxHero is a function that helps users manage the entire inventory cycle from purchasing, receiving, selling, and shipping. It is offered in beta on the PC/Desktop and allows users to create purchase orders (PO) and sales orders (SO), create bundled items, and track orders based on their status. 


Purchases is a sub-function within the Purchase & Sales tab in BoxHero, and can be used to create and track the status of a purchase order (PO), which includes Draft, In Transit, Partial, and Received. Users can filter by date, order number or other attributes, edit columns, as well as record taxes and discounts through the Purchases function.


Received (Purchases)

Received is one of the statuses used in tracking a purchase order through BoxHero. It refers to when you have received all items from the purchase order. 


Reports is one of the main tabs on BoxHero’s menu bar that encompasses a summary of all transactions, a visual dashboard of inventory, and an analytics feature for relevant formulas. All Admins of a team receive Weekly Reports via email.



Sales is a sub-function within the Purchase & Sales tab in BoxHero, and can be used to create and track the status of a sales order (SO), which includes Draft, In Transit, Partial, and Delivered. Similar to the Purchases function, users can filter sales orders by date, status, or even hashtags used in memos. 

Sales Analysis

Sales Analysis is a sub-function within the Purchase & Sales tab in BoxHero, and can be used to analyze sales data. It encompasses profit analysis, including metrics like average sales price, sales amount, net profit, and profit rate. Sales Analysis can also be used to check purchase & sales metrics, including sales quantity and sales amount. 

Stock In

Stock In is a function used in BoxHero to record a change in inventory quantity. It records inbound stocks from suppliers, thereby increasing item quantity stored in a particular team. The Stock In function can be performed by selecting items, scanning barcodes, or importing data from Excel. 

Stock Out

Stock Out is a function used in BoxHero to record outbound stocks. It is the opposite of the Stock In feature, which means the quantity of a particular item is decreased in a user’s team to reflect the inventory moving out to customers. 


BoxHero’s Summary is a sub-function within Reports that enables users to check the total incoming and outgoing volumes of inventory at a glance. It shows an overview of all inventory transactions during a specified period.


In BoxHero, a Supplier is a Partner who provides items that you include in your inventory. A supplier is associated with a Stock In transaction and can be used to track purchase orders in the Purchase & Sales tab. 



In BoxHero, Tax refers to any of the relevant taxes to be included in a sales order or purchase order including, but not limited to sales tax and value-added tax (VAT). Users can specify the tax type and the tax rate, and whether it is inclusive or exclusive by going to Purchase & Sales > Tax & Discounts > +Add Tax.


The Team is a virtual space in BoxHero where you can register items, invite members, and manage inventory together. When creating a team, users need to select between Basic Mode and Location Mode.

Thermal Label

A Thermal Label is a type of adhesive label that is printed using a thermal printer, and is created by applying heat to the paper that changes color when heated. When choosing a Thermal Label to print barcodes on BoxHero, users can specify the width and height in mm. 


Transactions refers to any of the functions used in BoxHero to record a change in inventory quantity (i.e. Stock In / Stock Out / Adjust / Move). It is also used to refer to the history of all transactions made for a particular team in the menu bar, which users can access for past activities. Transactions can be filtered by item, date, transaction type, and more. 



A Viewer is one of the main authorization levels for individuals who can view and access the data in BoxHero, but cannot modify anything.

User Guide

For a more comprehensive overview of BoxHero, please refer to our User Guide.

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